Friday, March 28, 2014

The Colossus

The Colossus is an event where you donate resources to get an epic decoration item. The more resources you donate, the more public order it gives!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Defense #2-3

I got attacked again!

The attacker sent in only 22 warriors, which were crushed by my 60. Sheer numbers work well for both attack and defense in the beginning.

Unfortunately, my next defense was a defeat. The attacker crushed me even though I had much more troops, which goes to show that getting lots of marauders is not a good idea. Many really good troops, such as marauders, are not very good at defense.

Monday, March 17, 2014

The Shady Character

The Shady Character is an event that can appear outside your main castle

Description: The Shady Character will ask you to attack someone, and will give you a reward if you have a successful raid against the player within the time-slot. The reward for me is 100 rubies and 3,000 coins. You can also pick a different target for rubies. When you defeat the player you were asked to attack, another target will be given.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

My Castle Looks Cool!

Have you ever noticed that some castles look different on the world map? That's because they have a higher level keep, wall, or towers. The more upgraded your keep, wall, towers, and gate are, the different your castles look.

This is my castle. 

You can see that the outpost right next to me looks different (other than the fact that it's an outpost), and that's because the walls, keep, towers, and gate are more upgraded than mine.

Just a simple way of checking the strength of castles without having to look too closely.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Attack #1-3

I got some quests that require me to attack players, so I am using my force of 70 odd soldiers to go raiding. The pictures below show some of the results of my raids. I attacked players around my level (levels 8-15)

The one above was an easy win on a level 13. Very few troops in his defence, but hundreds of tools. 
Tip: No matter how many defense tools are in one slot, only one tool is used per wave. It doesn't matter if there are 10 tools in one slot, or 10,000,000, the effect is the same.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

My first defense

Today was my first chance to test out my defences.

A level 10 player attacked me, so I wasn't expecting to lose so many troops!

You can see the battle report here:

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Level 11

I recently reached level 11

Level 11 gives a major boost for defense, as you unlock walls, castle gate, and tower level 2. You also unlock keep level 2, town house, stonemason, and the mill.

Level 2 Walls increases the amount of defensive items you can place onto the wall, and the wall defensive boost increases.

Level 2 towers increase the number of troops on the wall.

Level 2 Castle Gate increases the amount of tools you can place onto the center flank, and boosts the castle gate defensive boost.

Level 2 Keep increases the construction speed in your castle from 100% to 125%.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Week 1: Dwelling Mechanics

This week, I am focusing on upgrading my dwellings to level 3 to complete a quest and get to level 11

What dwellings do is that they increase the population. The more population you have, the more money you get from taxes. The more money you get from taxes, the more troops you can train.

Sadly, when I upgrade my dwellings, I lose more food. As you may have noticed, my food bar is red, which means that I am losing more food than I am producing. As I upgrade my dwellings, it will decrease the public order. Public order will either increase or decrease your resource production, and a lower public order will cause a lower resource production.

Hopefully I solve my food problem soon!

-Jeff (Cyberstorm)

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Hi! I'm a player and fan of Goodgame Empire, an online game by Goodgame Studios.

I'm going to be posting about my successes and failures as I play Goodgame Empire.

My base:

I am starting from Level 10, and trying to reach level 70

-Jeff (Cyberstorm)